Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nick Chappell

I was both impressed with the standard of team rider Nick Chappell's skating and Tim Folks filming, keeping his place safe on the team is what Nick does best ha ha! Sick!

Freestyle bowl jam

Thanks to all who turned up to the jam, Especially those who travelled from far, Sid and Son, Welsh Bob, Habgood plus many more, next years will be better organised, check out this edit Lt Meat did if you missed it.

Rhys Meek the Tweek

tweek sk8in

Welcome to new team riders Rhys Meek (featured below) and Dan who has more than earned his spot through loyalty and ability. Keep on shredding.

Black Label premier and music treats

Black Label video Premiere Friday 17th July vid then Bands Pintogram (my band), Shit In A Bag And Punch It (featuring members of Brutality Will Prevail) and Headcase ( Thrash Hardcore, Comedy thats how they describe themselves). All bands are on myspace if you want to check them out. All ages but you might have to leave after the bands sorry

Dainton having fun in hospital

Look how much fun Dainton didn't have in hospital, once again making the most of a bad situation

Jake Collins

Check out team rider Jake Collins, safety first kids!

Russian Surfing

One of my fave things I have seen this week!

LT Meat Cribs

Check this out, a cribs Lt Meat did up a mountain......just watch it & you'll get it

Daintons Cyborg Arm update...

Porno taunting dainton after his near death accident...whats it like to want daint??? hey hey.

Quote from Dainton 'Look at my arm it's like a smashed dog biscuit'....

Daintons Cyborg Arm

This sucks, at least it was skateboarding. So he is resident in Hereford for a bit, get well duder, we will keep the home fires burning