Wednesday, July 11, 2012

NASS footage from the FSTL/KILL CITY TEAM!

This is the shit I want to see, no showboating all punk rock, Sam Pulley & Jake Collins are my boys and they smash it. So hyped on this. Big thanks to Dainton @ Kill City (who Jake & Pulley ride for), for hooking up some NASS footage with all the crap filtered out of. I am sure everyone else smashed it but these guys are my close friends and team mates so I only want to see them realy, now anyone got any Bailey footage then I can put this NASS thing to bed.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Welcome Skateboards Tour Video.

After talking to Jason I knew I wanted WELCOME SKATEBOARDS in Freestyle. I am riding one at the moment and will ride them as long as Welcome exists, which if skateboarding is as real as I hope it is should be forever. Anyhow if you want too know a little bit about WELCOME SKATEBOARDS check out the tour video below. welcome To buy a Welcome skateboard click dis!