Sunday, June 26, 2011

Exist Skatepark in Swansea is open!!!!!!!!!

Dear shredders,

Team Creative Director Lt Meat here. As Grim has been hard at work in the shop I've hijacked the blog to tell you all some awesome news about the new Exist Skatepark in Swansea. I'm pleased to say that the Exist Skatepark in Swansea is now fully open!!!!! and it's indoors too!!!!!!!! That's the news. Rick and the team have been slugging their guts out to get the park finished and they've done a cracking job too! 

Me, Beanhead (9" girth Creature from the brown lagoon) and that krooked mofo Tom Bailey headed up for a 20 min skate in the new park, sheltered away from the perpetual Swansea drizzle and sporadic car crime (we didn't realise the park was shutting at 5pm yesterday and got there at 4:40pm.................jerks). Still, we had a nice drive and I feel we got to know each other slightly better whilst travelling on the road together, I won the boner competition with Bailey coming a close second and Beanhead, coming up in the rear, in third place.

I would advise checking on the Exist Skatepark website if you're heading up to check that the park is open and that there aren't any private sessions on the go, there's also information about membership and pricing too. 

Exist head honcho Rick, the most hardworking dude I've probably ever met, sexy and bald too.

The miniramp area, Beanhead and Bailey threw down some bangers on this during the 20 mins we were there.

The main park area from the top of the large flat bank.

This is what I'm calling the street simulation training hub area zone.
Magic!!! I'm sure I'll see you all there one rainy evening very soon.

Over and out

Lt Meat

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